SurnameFirst nameNicknameGenderMobile phone number (connected to you WhatsApp)Mobile phone (without WhatstApp connection)Date of birthHobby 1Hobby 2Hobby 3
1. Surname2. First name3. NicknameMale072561221307256122132025-01-17Hobby 1Hobby 2Hobby 3
SurnameFirst nameNicknameGenderMobile phone number (connected to you WhatsApp)Mobile phone (without WhatstApp connection)Date of birthHobby 1Hobby 2Hobby 3
Part 1 - Contact details
1. Surname *
2. First name *
3. Nickname *
4. Gender *
5. Email *
6. Mobile phone number *
( Connected to you WhatsApp )
7. Mobile phone number
( Without WhatstApp connection )
8. Date of birth *
Please select from the calendar menu
Part 2 - Brief Introduction
1. Up to 3 hobbies, no matter how funny or unusual *
2. Country where you currently live *
3. Place (city/village), where do you currently live *
4. Mother tongue *
5. Foreign languages you speak and on which level *
1st Level

2nd language

3rd language

6. „If I am in a country in Europe, another than my home country, (for example: for a work-based learning experience or in order to work), I do not need to learn the language of (the other) country because I can cope by using a translation app (e.g. Google Translate). “

Does this statement apply to you? *
7. Vocational qualification/VQ you are currently undertaking *
8. To which occupational group does this occupation, based upon your VQ, belong*? *
9. Vocational education - year of study *
10. Name of your Vocational School/ VET/FET College *
11. Website of your Vocational School/ VET/FET College *
12. Which country is your Vocational School/ VET/FET College based in
13. Which city/village is your Vocational School/ VET/FET College based in
14. Vocational Qualification you have completed
( you have already got your Vocational Leaving Certificate and you are no longer in training )
15. To which occupational group does this occupation belong
16. When did you obtain your Vocational Leaving Certificate *
Select month and year ( eg: 07.2021 ) from a calendar menu
17. Name of your Vocational school/ VET/FET College *
18. Website of your Vocational school/ VET/FET College *
19. Which country was your Vocational school/ VET/FET College based in *
20. Which city/village was your Vocational School/ VET/FET College based in *
21. Have you ever worked in a company (for example, during your vocational education in school/college or as a summer job etc. ) *
22. What exactly did you work in the company, what actual tasks did you carry out *
d.1 What qualification-related, practical activities did you perform in the company? Please provide a few examples
max 700 characters
23. On which of the topics listed below would you like EUCONTACT´s advice ?
Please specify below
max 700 characters